Dr. D.'s Blog

Dr. Dvorak

Dr. Jim Dvorak is Vice President Academic and Professor of New Testament at McMaster Divinity College in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

Life in the rust belt

Sydney was complaining of a scraping noise coming from the front left (driver's side) wheel of her 2012 Honda Civic. I pulled the wheel and off came the backing plate. Anywhere there was a provision for a fastener to hold it on was all rusted out....

Happy birthday!

Today (May 11, 2024) is my YouTube channel's birthday! To celebrate, here is my most popular/viewed video of all time (as of this post it has 68,792 views).

Pyramid of intellect

My friends sent me this. 😂Check out my YouTube channel.

What often happens when I am asked to preach...

I will be preaching this coming Sunday (May 5, 2024) at the Tintern Church of Christ. I'll be preaching Hebrews 3. So, as I always do, I translated the text from the Greek New Testament as part of my textual study. My translation is based on Nestl...

What often happens when I am asked to preach...

I will be preaching this coming Sunday (May 5, 2024) at the Tintern Church of Christ. I'll be preaching Hebrews 3. So, as I always do, I translated the text from the Greek New Testament as part of my textual study. My translation is based on Nestl...

Ahhh, summer...

... that time of rest, relaxation, rejuvenation, uninterrupted research and writing—in short, the unicorn for which those of us who are administrators in academe longingly search but never find.

Guest spot on Bible and Friends podcast

I was a guest on the Bible and Friends podcast quite awhile ago, when I still lived in Oklahoma and was working at Oklahoma Christian University. In the summer of 2022, we moved to Ontario, Canada, where I serve as VP Academic at McMaster Divinity...

Most popular video

I filmed and posted this video on Jan 11, 2023. It's got over 66,000 views and about 400 likes. It's been shared a lot, and I still get comments on it. In fact, a guy we went to church with for a while had recently searched YouTube to see how to r...