Made it to the Farm

Some of you know that my Mom has had some health issues of late. A few weeks ago, she had double bypass surgery. That all went well and, in fact, she got strong enough that they released her from the hospital. She spent one day at home (!) and developed internal bleeding, so back to the hospital. In farm lingo, they have had a dickens of a time trying to find the source of the bleeding and actually never really have found it. Then she developed a blood clot in her leg that almost resulted in the loss of her foot! Fortunately, the vascular surgical team, by God's grace, were able to remove the clot and restore blood to her foot. She is not yet fully out of the woods on that yet, but she seems to have stabilized over the past few days.
It's reading week at MDC this week (and Canadian Thanksgiving on Monday, Oct. 14), so I took the week off and my daughter, Sydney, and I made the drive from Burlington, Ontario, to Bagley, Iowa, yesterday (Oct 11, 2024)—about a 15 hour drive.
I got out for an early perusal around the Farm this morning, and took a couple of photos. I resized them a little, but not much. For those of you looking at this post on your phones, sorry (not sorry).
Thanks to all of you who have been praying for my Mom. Please keep it up.
Blessings to all of you...