Time is flying by

It's hard to believe, but today (Wednesday, May 20) marks the halfway point of the Hildesheim LST project for the Dvorak's (Emily an Jonathan will stay longer). We're having a great experience here. Our first week was a good one. We pushed through jet lag by jumping right into the work. We signed up 17 readers or so at the information meeting on our first day here (even though we had not slept yet). Since then we've added a few more readers (we're up to 20 now) and have had readers in an out on most days during our "work wee" (Sunday through Thursday). We were invited to sing with a German gospel choir, so Celeste and I went there last night and sang with them (all English gospel songs). The choir director, a member at Gemeinde Christi, introduced us. We told the group what we were doing in Hildesheim and several showed interest, so we may add a few more readers in the near future.
Tonight is our second LST party, but it's really the first one since our party last week piggy-backed on a church event and fellowship/cookout (which was a LOT of fun). So, we will set up a game night tonight for readers and church members to get together for some fun. We've got ice-breakers planned, as well as a number of games that should result in a lot of fun and laughter. It should be good.
We spent our first weekend here touring Hildesheim and the Schloss (castle) Marienburg, which is nearby. You may have see photos from my earlier posts (click here to see a list of posts about our LST project). That was fun and interesting. This coming weekend, we'll travel a bit to see the concentration camp where Anne and Margot Frank were sent (Bergen-Belsen), and then also Hannover. Sydney is really enjoying all the history.
Ok. That's it for now. I'll try to get some good photos of the LST party and maybe some photos of our team with readers and post them here.
Thank you all for your continued prayers and encouragement (via social media and email)! Keep 'em coming!