Dialogismos: a new eJournal from OC GST

Oklahoma Christian University's Graduate School of Theology has launched a new fully refereed, online, open-access academic eJournal called Dialogismos. Dialogismos (Greek Διαλογισμός) is a term that refers generally to the content or result of thorough reasoning. As this name implies, the journal seeks to provide biblical and theological scholars a space for dialogue about biblical and theological topics, including interpretive theories, methods, and practice. The mission and vision are as follows (from the "About" page on the web site):
Mission. Dialogismos contributes to scholarly conversation by fostering critical dialogue for the sake of growing faith and encouraging learning.
Vision. Dialogismos will generate critical yet reasoned dialogue on various topics in biblical and theological studies and related fields by creating a context for discussing and testing ideas, for discerning what is beneficial, and for clinging to what is good (cf. 1 Thess. 5:21).
I am happy to announce that the first two articles are published and now available on the site, one authored by Dr. Charles Rix (dean of OC's College of Biblical Studies) and another by myself (click here to access these articles). There are more in queue, including book reviews.