Quick update on Mom

Sunday, October 13, 2024 at 3:45pm
When Sydney and I arrived at Mom's (a.k.a., Grammie D.) room in the ICU, she was sitting up in a chair snoozing. She had a tray of clear liquid food in front of her (yummy! [not]), but all she wanted was a bite of the watermelon we brought to her. She got one bite and smiled with much enjoyment, and then two nurses came in to move her from the chair to the bed.
The good news is that both tubes running into her nose (at least one of those was a feeding tube) have been removed. Also, they put in a picc line in her arm and plan to remove the one from her neck, most likely later today. Mom said that they are preparing her to move to a regular room for some number of days, after which they plan to move her to a rehab center in Perry, Iowa—which is good because that will be super close to their condo in the same town.
She's napping now (and looks peaceful). When she wakes back up, I'll see if I can find out more.
I have not seen any doctors at all during the couple of days we have been here. I have some questions. Maybe they know that and are coming to see Mom when no one else is around! Or, more likely, it's because it's the weekend.
Thanks, everyone, for your prayers on my Mom's behalf. Please continue praying for her if you would.

Update: removing PICC line from neck, moving to arm (3:57pm October 13, 2014); will go for a walk after a while.