That Fall feeling

Well, here in Burlington, Ontario, it doesn't really feel like Fall. At the writing of this post, it's
Tomorrow it'll be about 10 degrees cooler, so that will be nice. But this post isn't necessarily about the weather; it's more about the feeling I get every time Fall season rolls around, viz. a longing to head to the farm. There's nothing quite like being on the farm in the Fall. It's fun to watch all of the farmers taking out the corn and soybeans that they've been so patiently watching grow all summer. It's even more fun when you're the one driving a tractor or combine!
Don't tell my Dad this, but I also have fond memories of going to the timber just about every Saturday or Sunday afternoon to cut wood for the wood burning stove. Of course, back when we did this, I wasn't too excited about going, but as they often do, memories have grown more fond over the years. I especially enjoy the memories of my Dad expertly navigating the Farmall M tractor (the only red tractor allowed on the farm) through the timber on steep hillsides. Often the ground was moist, muddy, and slick. He'd start at the top of the hill and maneuver that old tractor right to where we would be working for the day. It was sort of like watching the old "Plinko" game on the game show The Price is Right. Usually, he'd wedge the tractor between trees, which would keep it from sliding down the hill. Then, we'd cut those trees when the load was full and it was time to head home. Those days were often quite chilly and we'd be pretty cold by the time we got home (there's no cab on those old M's). But, of course, my Mom would have hot chocolate or hot cider or something hot to drink when we arrived.
As you might have already picked up on, the main reason I get a little sentimental in the Fall and long for the farm is really because I miss the people who live there. Love you, Mom and Dad.