Dr. D.'s Blog

Dr. Dvorak

Dr. Jim Dvorak is Vice President Academic and Professor of New Testament at McMaster Divinity College in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.


From our hike Hidden Valley Park and RBG. Hagan was with us!

We drove Syd's high-mileage Civic to Tulsa

We drove Sydney's 2012 Honda Civic (160,000+ miles) 1200 miles from Burlington, Ontario, to Tulsa, Oklahoma. It ran great. In fact, it got 32 MPG (or 7.4 L / 100 KM for you Canadians). But on I-70 between Effingham, Illinois, and St. Louis, Missou...

Sad news

My father-in-law, Bob Herndon, passed away on Saturday, August 17, 2024. Click here for his obituary. We appreciate your prayers on behalf of our family.

Now Available: Putting the Pieces Together

Click here to view details and/or purchase. In addition to editing, I also contributed a chapter to this book.

Guardian Caps

Guardian caps are now legal for use in NFL games. I am seeing some in preseason games.Of course, some of us who are of a certain age have seen this before.

Now in Print

My article on the constraints of context in exegesis is now available in print in the following journal (click here to purchase the print journal):Please note that the electronic version of the article is still available for FREE at the BAGL websi...

My next DIY job

UPDATE: the new battery has finally shipped! It should arrive at my house by Aug. 13, 2024.

2012 Honda Civic Strut Replacement

Had to contend with some rust, but I won.🙂